Since 2004, our curriculum has been shaped by foundational biblical truths.



Freedom Bible College was in the making since 2004 when Pastor Greg first started to write curriculum for the late Pastor Arthor Lee at Freedom Tabernacle. In 2008 Pastors Greg and Brandi became the Senior Pastors of Freedom Tabernacle. FreedomTabernacle is now Freedom Life Church the home where Freedom Bible College has been birthed. Pastor Greg has been in full time ministry for 27 years. Some of his training includes attending Liberty University for 2 years. In 1993 he graduated from Rhema Bible College. And, in 2022 he graduated from a 1 year program from Supernatural Ministry Training Institute.


Drs. Greg and Brandi Squires Founded Freedom Bible College in the Fall of 2023. Since then we have seen so many students dive right into this curriculum that has been placed in Dr. Greg’s heart to be able to lead them through weekly. The growth in our students can not only be seen in their biblical literacy but where it really shines is within how they serve the local church. We have heard countless testimonies of what God has been able to do in such a short amount of time. We know that the decision to grow is yours and we just pray with you that you believe in faith with us that your yes today impacts a future that includes you making the difference.


We see a school that will be filled and consistently launching new leaders into ministries and into the callings that God has knit specifically for them. Educating spirit filled Christians with biblical knowledge that not only will lead them to new levels in their own walk with Christ but will ultimately lead those around us towards finding the freedom that is rightfully theirs to own and to live in, in their every day lives. We are ready to see you grow. We are eager to see you lead. Freedom Bible College has a future and we pray that you join us in it.